Feedback Descriptors
Please complete with comments that are constructive, remembering that individuals need to use your feedback to improve the learner experience therefore, specific suggestions for improvement are greatly valued.
The areas in which you are asked to evaluate tutors are:
1. Organisation - The tutor is well prepared for sessions, arrives before the scheduled start time with all necessary resources.
2. Feedback - Feedback provided is easy to understand and helps identify how to improve and is provided within the agreed timescale
3. Knowledge of Subject - The tutor has a very good subject knowledge and is able to respond to questions effectively.
4. Communication - The tutor demonstrates effective communication skills
5. Safe Learner - The tutor ensures learners are safe for all learning activities and would challenge discriminatory behaviour and language
6. Support to overcome difficulties - The tutor provides effective support or signposting to overcome difficulties (where these have been raised)
7. Developing math and English skills - The tutor includes relevant math and English tasks within planned learning activities
Where a tutor has not delivered a particular type of session with you or if you have not asked for any help in overcoming difficulties then please circle the N/A option. Your constructive comments are always appreciated by the team. If you grade a member of the team 3 or 4, please justify the reasons for your response.